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Equicast Casting Material is a fiberglass tape that hardens and holds a shoe to the hoof as well as or better than glueing. Can be used anytime extra wall or sole support is needed. 2″ x 4 yards.

What size Equicast do you need?

Horse’s Weight
Less than 600 lbs. = 1″ x 3 yards
600 – 1,100 lbs. = 2″ x 4 yards
1,100 – 1,400 lbs. = 3″ x 4 yards
1,400 lbs. or more = 4″ x 5 yards



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Equicast 2"

In Stock
1-9 $8.10
10+ $7.85

Equicast 3"

In Stock
1-9 $8.10
10+ $7.85

Equicast 4"

In Stock
1-9 $18.00
10+ $17.75

